How to Change Background Color in Html
XML Tools Plugin is added to Notepad++ to support a set of useful tools for editing XML documents based on libXML2. After you have imported the desired file, double click it and edit the nodes you wish. This file supports formatted values so you can add the names of the public properties attached to your […]
JSON File Extension What is a json file and how do I open it?
In addition to saving notes in various folders, you can also organize notes within them. is an online text editor created to allow you a place to edit plain text. Another simple to use tool, allows you to type and create content with ease. You can save the notes as you type and […]
A Beginner’s Python Tutorial Variables, Scripts Wikibooks, open books for an open world
The editor reformats the JavaScript code and allows you to discover the bugs and error quickly and easily. This report says, JavaScript is the most popular programming language used by about 10 million developers worldwide. At second place is Java and Python is also catching up with 6.3 Million active developers. Visual Studio Code offers […]